Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Vote: Web vs. Rustle

Which creeps you out more - Running through a huge spiderweb on an early morning run, or an loud and unidentifiable rustling in the bushes next to you?

. . . vs . . .

Vote: Tri Fashion vs. Trail Fashion

Who dresses like a bigger goober when they race - triathletes or trail runners? And in case you couldn't tell, that triathlete IS a dude. See photos at bottom of page for more trail-fashion examples.

. . . . vs . . . .

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Vote: Recoverite vs. Ensure vs. Beer

What is your recovery drink of choice after a long training run or race?

. . vs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vs . .

Vote: Clif Bar vs Power Bar

What is your favorite energy bar?

(feel free to specify favorite flavors when you vote!)
