Wednesday, May 17, 2006
About Me
- Name: tripped over a rock
- Location: Denver, Colorado
using brute force to pound number sense into the minds of the future generation. Put down that calculator! And stop shooting spitwads!
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- Clif Bloks vs. Sharkies
- current leader: Clif Bloks
- Amphipod vs. Brooks vs. Ult Direction
- current leader: Ultimate Direction
- Thorlo vs. Smartwool vs. Injinji
- current leader: Tie (Injinji and Smartwool
- Bodyglide vs. Vaseline
- current leader: Bodyglide
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- current leader: Succeed
- Headlamp vs. Handheld
- current leader: Headlamp
- Is a 50k an ultra? Yes vs. No
- current leader: Yes
- Snake-on-Trail vs. Branch-in-Eye
- current leader: Branch-in-Eye
- Caffeinated vs. Non-Caffeinated
- current leader: Caffeinated
- Cougar-in-Path vs. GI Disaster, No TP
- current leader: TIE?!?!?
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- current leader: Clif Bar
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- current leader: Beer
- Tri-Fashion vs. Trail-Fashion
- Spiderweb vs. Loud Unidentifiable Rustle
My stride for the entire marathon, and the reason I don't do road races. Exaggerated leaping is slightly more justifable if there are rocks and roots below your feet.
Zane Grey Highline 51 Miler, 2006, starting line.
Zane Grey Highline, the trail.
I nearly tripped over every single one of these rocks.
Once you poke out your eye it's gonna be alot harder to spot the snakes and know when to jump.
A branch that looks like a snake. Oh there are too many of them.
Since I usually run with sunglasses I'd say I'm more afraid of a rattlesnake.
No poisonous snakes in my neck of the woods.
I'm not scared of anything!
First let me say that you are the queen of the voting polls. Second let me say that I suppose it would have to be a branch since there are no venomous snakes in my neck of the woods. What about cougars or bears?
One evening, I was running along, and stepped on a stick. "Man," I thought, "That was one squishy stick!" Suddenly, Johnny is screaming and jumping frantically behind me. "Angie!" he yells, "You just stepped on a SNAKE!"
Snake!!!!! Glasses keep out the branches but snakes bite and it hurts...I know
Snakes. Once you've found yourself 3 feet from a rattler shaking his rattles and staring you in the eyes, its an easy choice.
Has anyone seen Hard Target, one of Jean Claude Van Damme's best pieces of work? In it, these killers are chasing him through a swamp, so he punches out a rattle snake (seriously, he punches it right in the face) and then ties it to a tree branch by it's tail, and then later one of killers runs DIRECTLY INTO THE SNAKE WHO IS TIED TO THE BRANCH! Needless to say, it kills him. That is definately the worst thing to run into, ever.
branch, snakes usually will warn you or something, but a branch comes at you from nowhere
Man that cartoon of the eye and the branch gives me the creeps! Just for that I pick the branch in the eye!
I run into copperheads or rattlers at least once per week, this time of year. As long as you leave them alone (and don't step on them), they don't mess with you.
A stick in the eye is some serious sh*t, though!
There ARE rattlers in the Cascades, you just haven't run into one, yet. (I've seen them in the Stewart Range, before, and towards the E-Burg side of the mountains..
rather get bit and risk gangrene (if in a remote area) than lose an eye. Hardly any trees, snake wonderland - this is Tucson.
Yeah, snakes warn you - unless you come up on them quickly and they don't get a chance to, like when you are running.
I'm trail running behind friend Ed, with field of vision steadily pointed 2ft behind his heels. It's a very rocky trail. I see the scene scroll past me... big rock, rock, another rock, rock on left, rattlesnake, rock, huh? snake?, SNAKE! Ed didn't see it and almost stepped on it. I instantaneously leapt vertically and laterally as its delayed rattle angrily shook.
Well, since I've seen at least 3 rattlers on the trails where I run and have yet to have any scary run-ins with a tree branch (being short has its advantages)...I give it to the snakes.
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