Vote: Yes vs No
Thanks to Matt for this topic suggestion! If you have any voting topic ideas of your own, please feel free to send them to me.
Do you consider a 50k a ultramarathon? Yes vs. No
Thanks to Matt for this topic suggestion! If you have any voting topic ideas of your own, please feel free to send them to me.
Heck yeah! The most logical definition of an ultramarathon is "anything longer than a marathon". Once you start trying to argue that REAL ultras start at a distance longer than 50k, where exactly do you draw the line? 50 miles? I know of local races that are 44 and 47 miles, since they are less than 50 miles are they not ultras? Arguing that "50k just isn't long ENOUGH" isn't a great argument - by the same logic a runner who has several 200 milers on their resume can claim that 50m and 100k aren't long enough either.
Definitely. I refer to my 50 miler as my first ultra (despite having run 50K and 44 miles prior to that race), but not because I don't think of a 50K as an ultra. Only because I always had the Sunmart 50M as my goal. The others were training runs. I didn't include them just like I didn't include my 30 mile training run that I did on my own at Barton Creek.
Yeah, anything over a marathon for me. I'd even count the more idiotic marathons like Pikes or Everest.
I hope it's an ultra, or else what do I call them.
it irks me when people say, "oh, that's not a *real* ultra," or "50k, pshaw."
The definition of an ultra is anything longer than 26.2 miles. So there. ;)
i agree that it is an ultra. i was curious what you ultra bloggers thought. i have had more than a few people suggest to me that it isn't.
Does it really matter what you call it? It's still a a long way to the finish line. If you run 5 or 105 at least you're not on the couch, eating Fretos, and smoking Lucky Strikes. On-On
That's an ultra in my book
Of course.
hey yah - Thw word ultra means something a human can not sense, in example ultraviolet, ultrasound. And also it means "utterly, hyper- and beyond". If one relate it to running it would be something that for a person seems is too big a challenge. For most people its just to get out of the sofa, for some even hundred miles aint ultra. For me 50 K is ultra!
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